Wave of attacks on Blessed Mother Statues in Churches

Police in Santa Monica, CA, are investigating the beheading of a statue of the Blessed Mary at St. Monica Catholic Church.

According to some Marian apparition and/or spiritual warfare researchers, as well as some anecdotal experience, such attacks correspond to doctrinal, if not moral, infidelity of priests. The statue of the Blessed Virgin at St. Mary’s in Fredericksburg was beheaded the weekend before Bishop Loverde kicked Fr. Haley out.

Go figure: Fr. Haley was in tears over the Sacrilege that Sunday; Fr. Hamilton saw it as a financial burden to the parish.

It is a sign of God’s permitting will: God permits the Satanists to do what He normally prevents them from doing to send a warning to a wayward parish.

Weeping statues are a more overt expression of the same phenomena.

My aunt and uncle gave me a copy of Ted and Maureen Flynn’s The Thunder of Justice in the mid 90s. It sat on my self for several years. I was finally inspired to read it in the fall of 2002, a year after Fr. Haley’s mysterious disappearance.

They have a chapter on weeping statues, noting some alleged apparition or locution where Our Lady claims the weeping statues are a sign of priestly infidelity. In the same chapter, they discuss the weeping statues and other phenomena that occurred at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Manassas in 1993. I knew Fr. Hamilton had been pastor of Seton before St. Mary’s. But I did not realize he was pastor in 1993. The Flynns did not connect that parish to what they said in the opening of their chapter. They, like most people, took the St. Elizabeth Ann Seton events as a sign of Diocese of Arlington fervor.

However, as it happened, I read the chapter just around the same time as Fr. Hamilton resigned as pastor of St. Mary’s, and the truth about Fr. Haley’s disappearance was revealed.

God sends messages for a reason. Do we listen?

2 responses to “Wave of attacks on Blessed Mother Statues in Churches

  1. A good friend of my Mom’s had a private vision of a statue of Mary weeping. She was in her kitchen, while her little boy played in the backyard, when she saw tears running from the eyes of the Blessed Mary statue in her house. She was filled with dread, and went out back to find her son had drowned in their swimming pool.

  2. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. That must be so much pain to bear, Joy. 😦

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