Fr. Corapi’s Accuser is a Nut

UPDATE: I deleted this post, because I am very dismayed at the actions Fr. Corapi has taken recently.  These actions have not negated the fact that I believe he’s innocent of the original allegations against him, but I did not want to be perceived as participating in his attempts to malign his accuser.  That said, many people are accusing me of having been against Fr. Corapi all along, so I am restoring this post to prove that I have supported him previously.  Secondly, the mental health status of his accuser says nothing about her accusations.  In his “Black Sheep Dog” posts, Corapi has claimed this woman is an alcoholic.  So what ? He reiterates the claim, which inspired this post, that she assaulted some of his employees, and claims there’s a police report.  So what?  Neither of these accusations necessarily negate the possibility that her claims are true.  He claims he has phone messages.  Again, the fact that she may be mentally unstable has nothing to do with whether she’s telling the truth.  And isn’t this the strategy in all such cases?  Isn’t it the classic sexual harrassment/rape/sexual molestation defense to attack the alleged victim’s character?  Again, I’m not making any judgements either way, just to say that his attacks on her character really are irrelevant to the matter.

Ok, I haven’t blogged about this yet, because it has been quite devastating to me.

In terms of contemporary “famous people” (as in, not including relatives, friends or dead saints and writers), the two people most responsible for shaping who I am today are Mother Angelica and Fr. John Corapi, SOLT.  I could name some others who would be in a top ten or twenty, but Mother Angelica, directly and through founding EWTN, helped me to appreciate the beauty of the real Vatican II.  As for Fr. Corapi, his influence has been more personal rather than intellectual.  Years ago, I found that one of the most effective treatments for my tendencies towards depression and despair is to turn on Fr. Corapi.  He really puts things in perspective.  Also, Fr. Corapi’s preaching, and his life story, and the stories he shares from his ministry, give a kind of reassurance about life for me.

In terms of the whole hermeneutic of discontinuity, Mother Angelica showed me how to understand Vatican II. Fr. Corapi showed me that there really are saints like the “old days.”  I listen to him, and I think this is what it would have been like to hear Vianney or Pio or Bosco preach.  I listen to his story, and I’m hearing a modern day St. Augustine.  I listen to his stories about people he’s encountered, and he reminds me that we should never look down on anyone because we don’t know the pain they’re in or the desire in their heart for God, and we should never put anyone on pedestals because we never know what sins are going on their heart.   So he also helps me with my own tendencies to maybe bit a little judgemental or prideful.  I often think of two equal and opposite stories: the night he got a call and ended up going to a bridge in the middle of the night talking a 14-year-old girl out of suicide, who had already been a prostitute and drug addict for 3 years; and the time he rescued a brother priest from a den of sin.  Carrying the unconscious, drugged up priest from the building, Corapi found a .45 Magnum in his face (“It wasn’t the first time I had a gun in my face,” he says).  He faced down the drug dealer and walked out.  His stories are so amazing that they either validate the stuff we read about in the lives of the saints or else they’re completely manufactured (though he has also responded to that criticism by saying, “You can’t make this stuff up!”)

Thus, it was very disturbing to me to read last week that Fr. Corapi has been suspended from his Order and the diocese in which he has faculties (namely, the home diocese of his order, Corpus Christi, TX) because of an allegation by a former employee.  Apparently, some woman who used to work for his media company sent a letter to Fr. Flanagan (founder of the Society of Our Lady of the Trinity) and several bishops (including the bishop of Corpus Christi and the bishop of the diocese where Fr. Corapi actually lives), accusing Corapi of having sex with her and multiple other women, and of being back on drugs.

Following the “zero tolerance” policy that the USCCB put in place in 2002, Corapi was put on administrative leave and suspended of his faculties.

Now, if “the Scandal” had at all been handled properly by the media, the Church, and the rest of us, more emphasis should have been placed upon the real cause of the Scandal:

Namely, ironically, bishops are overly concerned with avoiding scandal.

The problem wasn’t really whether bishops were or were not properly dealing with priests who were sexual predators.  Many bishops did try to deal with such priests in the best of their knowledge and abilities.   As many cases have shown, bishops often went to the civil authorities with no results because the civil statute of limitations had passed, or there was some other legal technicality.  Many bishops, like Cardinal Law, listened to the psychologists who told them the abusers were “cured” and able to go back in ministry.

The real problem was, and is, that bishops try to avoid “scandal” in the generic sense of the word.  Bishops are big on propriety.  That’s one trait the Church, and our culture, has inherited from ancient Rome.  In Rome, everything was about image.  There was no criminal law in Rome.  Roman civil law was voluminous and complex, but criminal law was mostly unwritten and mostly arbitrary.  If you disturbed the peace, you were guilty.  It didn’t matter if you were a mass murderer or a prophet: if you upset the cart, you died.  That’s why they killed Jesus.  He hadn’t done anything “wrong” except cause everyone to be upset.

Well, that’s often how bishops act.  A person is a little to prophetic?  A little too zealous?  Cut them off.  A *priest* is a little too prophetic or a little too zealous?  Pressure him, order him, and find some way to get rid of him if he doesn’t stop. Ship him off to the same mental hospital you just sent the pedophile to.  Someone comes to you with an accusation about a priest?  Well, start by blaming the accuser.  If the accusation is credible, then deal with it in whatever way best keeps things swept under the carpet, whether that’s transferring the priest to another diocese, shipping him off to a mental hospital, or whatever.  Someone’s sued the Church?  Settle.

That’s how bishops do things.  So, before, they erred on the side of inaction and offended justice to keep a sense of outward propriety.  After the Scandal, they came up with a “zero tolerance” policy which also offends justice while maintaining propriety.  Now, priests are guilty until proven innocent.

So a priest is accused of having consentual adulterous relationships with women (whether sex with a priest is always sexual assault is a matter for another day, though apparently the folks at SNAP think it is–but then it’s OK if the priest leaves the Church and “marries” the woman afterwards) and of doing drugs.  He’s accused, in short, of sinning.

There’s no accusation of abuse or molestation.  There’s no allegation of crime (other than whatever crimes may be involved in drug addiction). He’s not accused of being a threat to anyone.

Yet he’s completely removed from ministry because of this one allegation.  His reputation is forever tarnished because of one letter.

It’s been a week now.  If there were multiple women, as his accuser states, it would seem one would have come forward.  If he were on drugs, a simple drug test can prove that (as _House_ has shown us, a blood or urine test may be negative, but drugs can still be present in tissues and hair).

In a statement last week, Fr. Corapi denied the allegations wholeheartedly, and criticized the process of “zero tolerance” as being unjust and violating Canon Law (he is not the only one: both Bishop Robert Vasa and Archbishop Fabian Bruskewitz have taken a lot of heat for publicly opposing this policy and refusing to implement it in their dioceses).   Noting that he holds no anger against those who “pulled the trigger” in being obliged to implement this policy, Corapi asked for prayers for all parties.

This whole news last weekend was very disturbing to me.  The way I see it, every potential solution is bad, from here out, save for a miracle of complete exoneration (for example, Paul VI gave Padre Pio a blanket exoneration for all the many false accusations against him by saying, “I have never been badly disposed towards Padre Pio, but I have been badly informed”):

1.  The woman recants.  Well, as many of us are wont to point out, the late Joseph Cardinal Bernardin’s accuser recanted.  Then, when he was dying of AIDS, the accuser said his story was true all along and he only recanted because of pressure from “the Church” (by which he probably means the Lavendar Mafia).  Even if she recants, people will still look askance at Fr. Corapi and presume this is another case of the Church sweeping it under the carpet.

2.  Same will happen if he’s exonerated, unless there’s some kind of incontrovertible evidence produced.

3.  If he *is* guilty, I wouldn’t be bothered by that so much.  I mean, he’s the first to say “Don’t put priests on pedestals.”  He’s had several years of being almost completely out of the public eye due to health problems.  He’s obviously under a lot of stress and pressure.   No, what bothers me is that he denied the allegation so emphatically.  A lot of people have noted how unusual that is.  Most people, even when innocent, hem and haw a bit.  No, what bothers me, if he’s guilty, is that he did deny it, so that’s a lie, especially when lying has been such a topic of conversation in Catholic circles lately.  That Fr. Corapi should fall back into sin wouldn’t invalidate his preaching: if anything, it would reaffirm his preaching all the more, since he preaches about the importance of repentance and holding each other up because we’re all sinners.  But if Fr. Corapi lied so publicly and blatantly, *that* would mean that nothing he says is credible.

And regardless of his guilt or innocence, it’s one thing when the man accused is a Joseph Bernardin or a Rembert Weakland or a John Geoghan.  When it’s a priest who is known for heterodoxy, liberalism, promoting moral licentiousness, opposing traidtion, etc., it’s kind of like, “He’s practicing what he preaches.”  However, when it’s a priest who is known for theological orthodoxy and presumed upright living who gets accused, it really challenges one’s faith. It’s even understandable with a case like Marcel Maciel or with the Fraternity of St. John (they were a group of Traditionalist priests who got their own order in Pennsylvania in the 1990s.  All the priests in the order had been rejected or kicked out by the SSPX because of their  homosexual inclinations, and they had been kicked out by the FSSP after that; they found a sympathetic bishop and swindled him into letting them have their own Society), where it’s not the “it’s OK to break the rules” kind of abuser but the “I’m doing this as a way of punishing you for your sins” kind of abuser.

But when it’s a priest who’s seemingly well-rounded, orthodox and properly compassionate, even fairly saintly, then that hurts.  It also makes one wonder if the saints we’ve heard were “falsely accused” really *were* falsely accused or if that was another case of the Church brushing things under the carpet.  Well, one easy answer there is that bishops don’t like people who rock the boat.  Padre Pio was accused because he rocked the boat, and the accusations were given support by some people in the Church because Padre Pio rocked the boat. John of the Cross rocked the boat, and that’s why he was locked in a church prison for 3 years while they hunted around for an allegation that would stick.  So that’s why we know those people were innocent.

I’ve been a very outspoken supporter of Fr. Christopher Buckner, who was suspended by Bishop Paul Loverde of Arlington in the spring of 2007 for vague allegations of “improper contact” with a parishioner way back in 1994 and has been in some kind of canonical limbo ever since: promises of a thorough investigation by the Diocese and Civil authorities resulted in what my mother in law described as a witch hunt, and apparently no positive evidence was found or else we’d have seen a complete criminal process and/or laicization process by now.

Instead, Fr. Buckner was, at last I heard, doing full time work in a soup kitchen.  Now, I’ve always admitted that I could see Fr. Buckner fitting the Maciel type, and I’ve discussed his case at  length here before, but it’s seeming increasingly unlikely since it’s been four years, and there has been no canonical or criminal action taken against Fr. Buckner.  Fr. Haley, whom Bishop Loverde also tried to silence for “rocking the boat” too much, has been in canonical limbo for almost 10 years (November 1, 2001), with a case that was supposedly sent to the Vatican for review back in 2004.

Thus, what I fear most in Fr. Corapi’s case is that he’ll end up like Fr. Buckner or Fr. Haley.  There are a lot of people who’d like to get rid of him, and this just gives them an excuse.  They can let this “process” linger for years, without any serious investigation, or even if they do a serious investigation, and it turns up nothing, they have no obligation or motivation to acquit him and return him to ministry.

That’s what scares me.

However, Bobbi Ruffatto, a Vice President of Corapi’s Santa Cruz Media has issued a statement that Fr. Corapi’s accuser is a disgruntled ex-employee who assaulted Ruffatto and another employee upon being fired and threatened in front of witnesses to “destroy” the priest.  Ruffatto also noted that, since Santa Cruz Media is a private corporation and not in any way affiliated with the Church or claiming a “Catholic” status, they are not under any obligations to suspend promotion and sale of Fr. Corapi’s videos.

UPDATE 2: Even when I first wrote this post, I was not precluding the option that Fr. Corapi’s accuser is mentally unstable *and* he is guilty of what she’s accusing him of. If the statements by SOLT are correct–and a reasonable person should presume they are–then that sounds like that’s exactly what’s going on.

37 responses to “Fr. Corapi’s Accuser is a Nut

  1. annette cassettari

    Innocent until proven guilty!!! This used to be true, it’s all backwards now and the new ruling of 2002 should be amended in parts. Not all cases are alike and should not be treated as such. A question for the bishops: HOW WOULD JESUS HANDLE THIS? Certainly not the way it is being handled. They should be ashamed of themselves and sit down and really have a conscience about this!!!

  2. This is persecution of an innocent priest – part of satan’s plan to destroy the Church. We must pray and fast to break the evil that is afoot here. Jesus and Mary will be victorious – I trust in them!

  3. This article could have been written by me. My thought exactly – Mother Angelica and Fr. C ARE the ones who brought me back to the church stronger not weaker. Up until them I would wonder from Catholic church trying to find the less liberal I guess. Since those two I’m learning to tolerate (not submit) to their liberal ways hoping maybe I will rub off on them.


    • Lesley Turnbull

      They brought you “back” to the church. In my church but in my case they brought me “to” the church. Raised So.Baptist, it was EWTN, more specifically Mother Angelica and FR. JOHN CORAPI that instilled in me a desire to join the Catholic Church, clearing up any mistaken impressions and more to the point, teaching me the true definition of Christianity when I was so filled with disgust at the hypocrisy of churches in general and pastors especially.I was tired of hearing a different take on Christianity from each different preacher I heard (other than send us your money) yet seeing no fruits. There seemed to be no organization, the bible being interpreted individually, the sins of the congregation overlooked. Father Corapi handled the wages of sin andMother Angelica the purpose of Love. Between the two they had it covered. I missboth of them. ewtN doesn’t seems the same. It is unfortunate that Mother’s health keeps her from doing her show and has forced her to retire but we should not be denied Father Corapi’s television prescence even if it is his older recorded shows. This in itself is absurd, and sending a very poor message. Somehow it seems to say his whole ordained life was a lie. I don’t understand the politics of these actions but is it really necessary to withhold his previous shows while getting down to the truth either way. Innocent until proven guilty, right? Why is he assumed guilty?

  4. Joseph DiBenedetto

    It should come as no surprise that the evil one would go after Father Corapi.
    He has saved countless souls and has been a thorn in Satan’s side for many years. Another test for father in his life that he will be victorious in.

  5. Angela Sullivan

    I agree 100% you are right, It seems that Father John Corapi is being used as an example of how swift The Bishops react. Firstly he was not accused of a crime, and from what I know the past employee was a NUT and she is on a crusade to ruin Father Corapi. Father John Corapi mentioned to past employess who had become Drunks and he was forced to fire them.
    Many believe that the accuser was the one he was speaking of in his talk on addictions. I think she should come forward, will she be investigated??? Hope so. The Bishops are taking TOO LONG!!

  6. I’m never quick to defend anyone because I know just how low some great men can stoop. However, something never jibed with this accusation. I chatted with one disgruntled former employee who I believe is going by an alias. Her story did not fit reality. And my first reaction was to call her a nut to my wife. My wife read the woman’s comments on my Facebook and replied with the same thing. I am convinced that this is a ploy to destroy Fr. Corapi, not a scream for justice. If justice is actually sought the person accusing him should receive some sort of severe penalty for false testimony.

    Just my thoughts.

  7. md, exactly. I can see *how* Fr. Corapi could have fallen, but the nature of the accusations, the way they were made (going to several different bishops, for example), and his reaction are all inconsistent with them being true.

    As some have pointed out, one of the accusations–that he’s returned to drug use–would have been easy to prove or disprove with a simple drug test.

  8. What’s the address on facebook?>> I agree 100+% with everyone’s comments. The Devil is working overtime. . . lol That’s what my mom always said as we were growing up. . . . Hmm. . . . Anyway you look at it, God, Please Bless Fr, Corapi and keep him close to your heart. . . . And, you are right GodsGadfly. . . . a simple blood test (we do it all the time at work when one is suspected). . . duh. . . . no need for this mockery of our Catholic faith, because THAT is what this is all about. . . to dismantle us!!!

  9. Father Corapi should simply continue his ministry as a culture warrior. Omne verum, a quocumque dicatur, a Spiritu Sancto est. All truth, no matter who expresses it, comes from the Holy Spirit. To this day I have never heard Fr. Corapi say anything unorthodox.

    In my humble opinion his accusers and judges are condemned by Fr. Corapi’s good works until they show unequivocally that Corapi is guilty of something.

    Forza, Padre Corapi!

    • You should see my post from today.

    • Precisely why they hate him. Orthodox, orthodox and orthodox. Priest who harm children have stayed within the Church’s protection for decades. The Church is making an example of HIM? The Church’s big problem is that he has been able to SELL orthodox Catholicism in a way that none of them have been able to do, since the saints. He has provided true leadership and was quite fearless in upholding very unpopular orthodox positions and sheding true clarity on these issues. Why is abortion, birth control, etc. a sin? He was able to explain the problems with these the way NONE of them can. Fr. Corapi did not just parrot the party line, he let you UNDERSTAND the dangers and you could make your own decision. I say – remember – “by their fruits they shall be known”. Put the bs aside – he converted alot of people. He was clear on the message. Unless he was drugged up or hypnotized, I believe he’s innocent!

      • “They” may hate him, but he should have done better to put himself beyond reproach. And whatever was the truth or falsehood of the allegations, his behavior in the “Black Sheepdog” affair was reprehensible for a priest. Whatever happened when he suddenly disappeared, I hope he is focusing on his own spiritual growth, which is ultimately all that matters with any of us.

  10. We may never really know what the truth is. What remains is the realization that we have not been praying enough for our priests.

  11. Ramon, people keep saying that, and in some sense it’s true, but people do have free will.
    The lesson we *should* be taking out of this is that it’s imperative to follow Canon Law precisely, and to not “judge” priests to be “holy” just because they talk a good game.

  12. Concerning drug tests. It is my understanding that Fr Corapi has repeatedly offered to take any drug test the church wants. A test called “body hair follicle test” would show any and all drugs used anytime during the preceeding 9 MONTHS. This test is often ordered by juvenile court judges who need to determine if parents who have had their children removed by the state have cleaned up or if they are still using drugs.

    • And Corapi offered to pay $100,000 to the person who accused him if he tested positive. That was odd. I get that he believes he would test negative, but why the figure $100,000. Sounds specific, like he has that kind of money available for betting.

      • GodsGadfly

        The person was popular blogger, bioethicist and pro-life activist Dr. Gerard Nadal, who said it in expressing a professional opinion from his work in the medical field *and* his work with homeless people, and who also later recanted, saying he shouldn’t have shared that opinion publicly. I took Corapi’s statement as a threat to sue.

        And of course he has that kind of money. He won $3 million in collective lawsuit winnings and government “whistleblower” rewards in his cardiologist lawsuit.

        According to SOLT, he paid $100,000 to his accuser to sign his NDA not to talk about her accusations, and he apparently offered and possibly paid similar sums to other witnesses.

        At this point, I don’t know if he was certain of his innocence or just knew no one would call his bluff. Plus, he knew his adoring fans would see this as evidence of his innocence.

  13. Well, at the same time, we only have his word that *those* were the allegations, and his word is becoming increasingly more dubious as his stories contradict everyone else’s on the most basic facts–forgetting whatever private allegations there are.
    Fr. Sheehan has said the allegations were of “conduct unbecoming a member of SOLT,” well, technically the infamous tan and dyed goatee would constitute conduct unbecoming a priest according to the Code of Canon Law–Canon law forbids all priests, diocesan or religious, from even giving the appearance of vanity.

  14. Let me get this straight, the accusations are the priest has slept with willing adult women and has done drugs. Sounds like Fr Corapi is been accused of being a sinner. No crime commited, so why is he suspended and why the investigation and the character assisnation prior to conviction? If the accuser is telling the truth then he or she should come forward publicly and not hide behind a curtain of anonymity. That’s usually the behaviour of liars.

    • Well, according to Fr. Corapi, whose credibility is increasingly being spent, that’s what the accusations were. According to his accuser, she has a lot of stuff about financial issues.
      In either case, according to Fr. Sheehan, his superior in SOLT, the issues pertain to conduct unbecoming a religious, and the fact that Fr. Corapi has been living in defiance of SOLT’s Constitutions (based upon a verbal agreement with Fr. Flanagan) for many years now. Plus, if you read the section of Canon Law on obligations of the priesthood, there are several areas of Canon Law where Fr. Corapi’s behavior in the past few years has been dubious.

  15. Jennifer Rossi

    A copy of Father Corapi’s lawsuit against his accuser and the
    non disclosure agreement is available at
    for public viewing.. The non disclosure agreement does not
    bind her to silence.

  16. I’ll have to reread it, but I think you’re right. Good catch!

  17. I started listening to Mother Angelica on EWTN, and then more programs on that station about 4 years ago. Just about 3 years ago I became Catholic and my husband returned to the Catholic Church, a big relief for him! After my baptism and entering the Church on Easter Vigil 3 years ago, we won tickets to see Father Corapi in Buffalo, NY. It was Wonderful!
    I agree that some of Father Corapi’s talks are very good at defeating depression. And I pray for him and will do so more often, but also for our Parish priests and many others. While I loved Father Corapi’s message & delivery, and seeing this awful muddle going on is so hurtful, he was never on a pedestal any more than our other priests. God bless them All.

  18. paulineo mc cann

    I just came across this website and reading your article rekindled my thoughts of Fr. Corapi. in recent weeks, he has been on my mind constantly.

    So many times in his talks, and the conference at Buffalo which I attended, he spoke of the “enemies” who want hm “gone.” I am certain, that when that woman accused him last year, that he knew in his heart, that this was the time!

    I wonder where and how he is; I pray for him constantly, and especially each Monday during my hour of adoration at a Chapel of Perpetual Adoration, here in Canada. Just think about this: he was banned from entry into Canada, which is now the pit of hell. In Quebec, only last week, a committee of doctor’s approved and recommended, Physician-assisted suicide for those who want it! Now, what will follow is what is now the practice in the Netherlands; in excess of 1,000 people are but to deatch, against their will.

    What happened to Canada. Think of the bravery of Canadian soldiers during World War II? When the Germans discovered that they were to fight against the Canadians, they were very worried, such was the bravery and will of the Canadian soldiers.

    We must pray and do penance for all our priests, because, as Fr.Corapi told us, “if you get rid of the priests, then there is no Eucharist and no Confession”. What then, Catholics?

  19. I dunno. When I hear him talk about those people out to “get rid of him,” it strikes me as rather paranoid. I think all parties involved have some mental health issues going on. The latest rumors, unconfirmed, are that he has returned to the SOLT and is working on reconciling.

  20. there must be one friend of john corapi who could set up an internet site or recieve correspondance for john that we could communicate with…many of us love him..and regardless, what john corapi preached was good,just,fitting and proper …..

    • Laicized or suspended priests are rightly forbidden from that kind of public communication, and I’m glad he dropped that whole “Black Sheepdog” nonsense. Whatever happens from now on, whether he’s normalizing his priesthood or acquiescing to his suspension, he needs to work on his own spirituality and avoid the public limelight.

  21. It seems that … whether guilty or innocent … Father Corapi’s reactions and actions in response to all of these charges … are NOT correct … his reactions being too worldly … and not enough Faith and Trust.

    It’s close to JESUS in the Garden … saying, “Father, if possible, let this cup pass from ME. But NOT MY Will, but rather YOUR Will be done.”

    Can’t say that I would not be inclined to react the same as Father Corapi … since reacting as JESUS did … “FATHER, THY Will be done” … would only end in Crucifixion, perhaps.

    GOD Bless us all … and help Father Corapi and his accuser too.

  22. It seems the commenter “GodsGadfly” who left several comments on this article seems to be a friend of Father Corapi’s Anonymous Accuser. or perhaps the Accuser herself? And, speaking of anonymity, lol what kind of a name is that, gadfly, a fly that annoys horses and livestock, or in a metaphorical sense, one who upsets the status quo? This is how the Devil works: through the work of materialistic cowards who feel bored and AIMLESS in life, so they bring down a good man, who’s brutally honest about his life before becoming a priest, and who showed his mother and father before they passed away that their son the chronic sinner can be converted, that bad can be defeated by good, that life is filled with hope, love, faith and promise, that those “forgotten ideals” are not forgotten after all, if only one takes the right and uneasy path of sacrifices and challenges that this mundane world shuns and instead offers a path of materialism and convenience. This man showed through words and actions (whether they be a right or wrong approach) to face Life with COURAGE… and NOT to hide in the darkness or anonymity and stab someone in the back multiple times for revenge or whatever the hell kind of ‘justice’ their warped logic and double-standard morals would allow. So sad… so damn sad how Fr. Corapi left EWTN in such a disgraceful way, and then a year later, Fr. Benedict Groeschel left in a similar manner. Damn… if I didn’t know any better, I would have thought that there is an insidious political conspiracy going on inside EWTN.. some sort of a power struggle to get to the top, who gets the most airtime, who gets the moolah, who sells the most books, videos, and crap like that, who wins the audience — the lay theologians or the priests/nuns?. Or perhaps an outside factor wanting to destroy everything Mother Angelica and her fellow sisters, family and friends who worked so hard to build for 30 years. So damn sick and tired of this merry-go-round, but it’s no use complaining on the internet, eh? Well, just do what we’re always advised to do: Pray. There’s nothing we can do but pray, and hope God would execute TRUE justice, and enforce final punishment for those who are guilty, for God said, “Vengeance is mine and mine alone.” The guilty will get their Karma one day, and they better repent completely and publicly now before it’s too late, or else there will be nothing they can hear, but the black laugh and burning flames on their heads six feet under the ground. God have mercy on their souls, because the Devil cannot wait to sneak right up behind them and give them a repetitive series of painful screwing for all eternity.
    Think on that, ya mugs.
    As a Catholic, well, I will say, Peace be with you… and may God give you what you deserve in this life and the next.

    • “God’s Gadfly” is an allusion to Socrates.
      A “Catholic” speaking of Karma? Your post speaks for itself.

      • Yes, I get the Socrates allusion, just not why you appoint yourself as the next Socrates, sent directly from God upon high to sting various asses and such. He has St. Michael, your guardian angel and my guardian angel, and everyone’s guardian angels to do that, to sting our own big asses. There is also the Conscience, the voice that keeps us awake at night. And besides, it’ll require much, much more than an insect’s prick to puncture a hole into the gluteus maximus of the dense humankind. Well, speaking of all things Greek (and not about asses, thank the Lord), let’s go to your solitary point about my post — Karma. One thing that the Catholic faith teaches us is to embrace the universality of justice and truth, prevailing and conquering this hedonistic world. The very word of our faith — Catholic — is from the Greek word, Katolikos, meaning, “universal”. We have nothing to fear from diversity, be it of other cultures or other denominations, as the core values of every human being is to share common ethical and moral codes which pertain right from wrong, good from evil, justice from injustice. Hence, the Buddhist’s or Hindu’s “Karma”, or the effects and consequences of one’s actions affecting one’s destiny, is similar and akin to our Judeo-Christian God’s Terrifying Wrath, which shall be inflicted on those who are guilty and shall rectify all wrongs done on earth. EXCEPT, Catholicism teaches Forgiveness, and is based on Forgiveness, that is, IF, a big IF, the guilty do admit their mistakes and sins, instead of casting blame on the innocence, then that guilty soul shall be saved. That’s why you see a man hanging from the cross. He didn’t die just to save the good; He died to save ALL peoples, whether you live in America or a Third-World country in Africa or Asia, or you believe in Allah or Zen or Chi – It matters not who you are, but what you do. That’s the beauty of our faith. Universality. Not just stinging a bunch of fat asses for short-sighted motives, but Universality, divine and eternal. Forgiveness. Honesty. The Trust you have in God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, to deliver justice upon the wicked, to rectify the lost souls who have fooled themselves through the work of the Evil one, as they aimlessly wallow in their earthly life. Universality. The Ecumenical movement and celebrating of all faiths which are held regularly by the Catholic Church since 325 AD to the present. The universal lesson is to love one another and help each other when they’re down… not kick them when they’re down, and in Fr. Corapi’s case, we don’t even know what the hell happened for him to deserve such a public, long-term and disjointed humiliation, destroyed by a nameless, faceless, anonymous, self-righteous accuser who just keeps dragging this issue on and on and on, until probably when God calls either one of them, then it might be too late to save that person’s soul. Who knows… only God knows, and the guilty one must make the first step. That’s why we’re all here on this website. We don’t argue for peanuts or asses or Greek philosophers, do we? We argue for people’s souls.

  23. Fine talk for someone whose screen name is “Kronos.”
    Anyway, again, you’re the one who drug up an old post to comment on. All I know of the situation is Fr. Corapi responded in exactly the wrong way, initially, to this investigation, and then disappeared. So the matter is moot.

  24. “Kronos” is a Greek word for “Time”…. symbolic for what we all have in this world. Perhaps you suggest I should’ve used ObiWansSaber5985 or GodslittleUnicorn666 instead? haha. Yeah, instead of ad-hominem points about username arguments, let’s try to focus on this issue, as to WHY this case was led under strange circumstances which for some reason hasn’t reached, and it seems it probably never will reach a solid conclusion like any normal and legal case should. Even a home-grown terrorist’s case can be finished in less than 5 years, from investigation to prosecution to trial to exoneration or execution, why should the case of a priest be dragged this long? Why should the accuser remain anonymous, if she has nothing to hide, and if she really was telling the truth? Where are the courts handling this? What happened to the investigation? For sure, as I said, and in some ways I agree with you at a certain point, of the way Fr. Corapi responded to this – may be strange, but it is a natural knee-jerk reaction of someone who’s led a tumultuous life as Corapi had; went through the 60s and 70s of all kinds of drug use, living the high and excess life, etc. before he woke up from his stupor and converted to priesthood, which explains his form of retaliation of changing his appearance, adopting a symbolic name in his defense, and bringing the fight in the way that his accuser did oh so wonderfully — in public. And when his order recognized this noisy form of defense, they most likely summoned him to stop adding fuel to the fire, hence why he and this case disappeared like a burst bubble. Who knows? It’s all internal politics, and the way this was carried out so messily, it’s easy to pass our own personal judgements of a misunderstood man, “so we can be done with it and move on, it’s a moot point anyhow.” Maybe so, but nobody knows what happens in the future, if there is some sort of confession or a number of leads overlooked in the brouhaha of this investigation.

  25. Again, irrelevant to the public discussion, which concerned the public ministry of Fr. Corapi, both before and after he renounced the priesthood. Compare to Fr. Pavone, who submitted to his bishop, followed proper canonical channels, and was exonerated.
    John Corapi’s actions do not warrant the comparisons that have been made to various saints, including St. John of the Cross and St. Pio of Pietrilcina, both of whom submitted humbly to their superiors.
    That’s the only point I’ve ever made in this discussion, and since he’s disappeared from public eye, it’s moot. I don’t think it’s anyone’s business whether the original accusations are true or not, in spite of this original post that I wrote early on based upon Fr Corapi’s initial response.

    • No. He was just accused of mismanaging millions of dollars in donations. That’s not the same thing at all.
      Obedience is obedience. It doesn’t matter if there’s allegations or just the bishop wants to transfer his ministry: a priest is obligated to obey his bishop and/or religious superiors. Period.

  26. Ah, but Fr. Pavone was not accused of sex and drug abuse by an unknown woman who was a former employee of a media agency. Nor were those saints you mentioned, John of the Cross and Padre Pio, their cases can not be compared to the disjointedness, baseness and inconsistency of Corapi’s case, in which nobody knows how it’s going to end. For now, Corapi’s case seems to be on hiatus since there were no final and public conclusions made. And even if there were, the powers-that-be most likely chose not to make the verdict public knowledge. Whether it is “moot” or no, it is not your decision nor my decision to declare the end of this case, because how do we know what specific decisions were actually made? These are all rumors we hear from the post-investigation, that is, if ever the investigation was finished in the first place. It’s like, you’re trying to start a car, the key is in the ignition, you crank it up a couple of times, then the engine stalls. Don’t know if you should’ve pressed down the gas longer or the clutch, or are there problems with the power steering fluid or what-not.. or if starting the engine again would make matters worse or better. We. don’t. know. It doesn’t mean the car should be towed to the junkyard and flattened to a heap of scrap metal, we don’t know, because we have no knowledge of the specifics to go on for a proper diagnosis, to declare it moot or not.

    In any case, all we can do is to pray for those concerned. Corapi has touched many lives, converted many souls from different faiths. I have a friend from Japan who was an atheist; he watched Corapi and EWTN for nearly 15 years before he converted to Catholicism. Corapi is not perfect, far from it, and no other saints profess to be perfect, even Mother Teresa had doubts about her relationship with God, and if her work on earth may be proven fruitless. We ask our priests, nuns and lay ministers to be perfect sometimes, and when they do not live up to our expectations, we abandon them and treat them worse than murderers, tax-collectors and prostitutes. Just pray for them, that’s all that matters in the end.

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