I’m finally trying out Twitter with a Campaign to Pray for Celebrities

I have had a Twitter account for several years but could never figure out how or why to use it.  I’m way too verbose for blogging and Facebook, much less Twitter’s 140-character maximum, which is impossible to conform to without engaging in an overabundance of “text speech.”  Therefore, I’ve only ever used it to promote my blog.  That’s changing, though, with a suggestion my wife made the other day.

“Pop Star” Katy Perry, who is the daughter of a minister and started out as a “Christian singer,” has given a couple interviews recently proclaiming herself “not a Christian.”  Then there’s her Satanic performance at the Grammy’s.  This should come as no surprise regarding someone whose major claim to fame was “I Kissed a Girl.”  I really know nothing of her work, except that it represents no real talent.  However, she has been a big supporter of Make-a-Wish, and we have a sentimental value for her song “Firework,” which Allie sang at the Give Kids the World “Village Idol” event.

Then there’s Justin Bieber, who seemed until the past year to be a fairly positive role model, was outspokenly Christian and pro-life, and also was a big supporter of Make a Wish and GKTW.  And while his “music” isn’t exactly of high quality even by popular music standards, he seemed to have decent lyrics. Before I get off into the repeated disappointments with “this [person/show] seems to be OK for the kids,” we were talking about the recent scandals involving both of them, and it struck me that their names are the two patron saints of apologists.

Therefore, Mary suggested I should try promoting a Twitter campaign to pray for different saints’ intercessions for the conversions of celebrities, by “hash-tagging” them and the saints, and inviting people to “retweet.”

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